Websites that Report the Cost and Quality of Healthcare

Care Compare

Care Compare, run by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), combines eight original provider comparison websites into a single source search and compare experience for any type of care needed. Users may find information about providers and healthcare settings (physicians, hospitals, nursing homes, and others) based on individual needs, get resources to choose healthcare providers, and make informed decisions about where to receive care. Although the tool was created for those with Medicare in mind, many of the measures apply to those who may not have Medicare.

Choosing Wisely

Choosing Wisely, an initiative of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation, has information and downloadable resources about healthcare services and procedures. The initiative promotes conversations between clinicians and patients by helping patients choose care that is supported by evidence, not duplicative of other tests or procedures already received, free from harm, and truly necessary.


GoodRX provides prescription drug pricing from pharmacies nationwide to help users find the lowest prices.


The Leapfrog Group is a non-profit organization that promotes healthcare quality and safety through the Leapfrog Hospital Survey which collects and publicly reports information on hospital performance. Leapfrog also assigns the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade. Hospitals that receive an A and are also top performers on the Hospital Survey receive the Leapfrog Top Hospital Award. In 2023, the following six Maine hospitals received an A: Maine Medical Center, MaineGeneral Medical Center, Mid Coast Hospital, Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center, St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center, and York Hospital.


Compare prices of prescription drugs by pharmacy to help users find the lowest prices.