The average payment data on CompareMaine does not represent what an individual will pay for any given procedure. Please contact your health insurance company or your provider to get a personalized estimate.
By using CompareMaine, you agree with this statement: I understand that the average payment estimates provided on CompareMaine for specific healthcare services and procedures represent an average payment to facilitate comparison between healthcare providers and commercial payors and do not reflect what my out-of-pocket costs may be for any given procedure.
The estimates are an average based on the most recent available claims data. Please contact your insurance company to find out your actual out-of-pocket costs.
There are over 300 healthcare services and procedures on CompareMaine. A five-digit CPT Code is used by healthcare settings and providers to identify healthcare services and procedures. Thousands of CPT Codes exist, so you may not find a specific procedure and CPT Code on CompareMaine. Contact your insurance company, healthcare provider or setting with questions about CPT Codes related to your care. The payment estimates on this website represent the average amount paid by both the patient and their commercial payor to a Maine healthcare provider for a healthcare service or procedure (identified by a CPT Code) during a specific reporting period.
Sometimes procedures represent a specific amount of time or a specific number of units, for example, a 30-minute psychotherapy visit or 1 unit of blood work. The estimated payments reflect a typical episode at a healthcare setting, which may include more than one unit. Please contact your healthcare provider and/or insurance company to learn the cost for one unit of the procedure.
If you have health insurance, you may want to select your insurance company (if it is one of the five insurance companies listed) and view the average payment estimates at that level vs. the statewide level. The payment data represents an average payment and does not represent what an individual will pay out-of-pocket for a procedure. Please contact your insurance company to find out your actual out-of-pocket costs. If you do not have insurance, please contact the healthcare setting you are interested in to discuss the cash price.
MHDO makes every effort to provide accurate information on CompareMaine. Healthcare settings and commercial payors included on this website are sent the payment and quality data to review for accuracy before it is published. Payments presented on CompareMaine are within 10% of estimated payments from healthcare settings and commercial payors estimates.