Quality of Care

How We Report Falls with Injury

Falls with injury measures the number of patients per 1,000 patient days (inpatient days, plus the number of short-stay patient hours divided by 24) who suffered any minor or serious injury from a fall in the hospital. Hospitals can help reduce the risk of patient falls with injury by following established best practices. Preventing falls with injury while in the hospital is an important way of measuring the quality of patient care.

Data for this measure is based on self-reported data by hospitals that is collected by the Maine Health Data Organization (MHDO) as required in 90-590 CMR Chapter 270, Uniform Reporting System for Health Care Quality Data Sets. The measure is defined by the American Nurses Association (ANA). The preventing falls with injury data on CompareMaine covers the January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023 reporting period.

For more information, download the quality data reported on CompareMaine and visit The Joint Commission website.