Compare Payments of Healthcare Across Maine and Quality of Care at Hospitals
Use this website to compare the average total payments for hundreds of healthcare procedures at different healthcare settings around the state. You can also view the overall quality of care reported at Maine hospitals, including ratings on patient experience and how well hospitals keep patients safe.
Know What to Expect
Choose a category & procedure
- Ambulance Services
Cardiology Procedures
- Devices
- Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
- Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) monitoring
- Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), with interpretation and report
- Healthcare professional supervision during outpatient cardiac rehab with continuous ECG monitoring per session
- Routine electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) using at least 12 leads, interpretation and report only
- Imaging
- Stent Placement
- Stress Test
- Chiropractic Services
Diagnostic Procedures
Emergency Department Visits
Emergency Department Visits
- Emergency department visit, low complexity (visit only, does not include other services received, such as diagnostic labs or imaging)
- Emergency department visit, moderate severity (visit only, does not include other services received, such as diagnostic labs or imaging - represents 26.7% of Emergency Department claims in the APCD)
- Emergency department visit, problem of high severity (visit only, does not include other services received, such as diagnostic labs or imaging - represents 43.0% of Emergency Department claims in the APCD)
- Emergency department visit, problem with significant threat to life or function (visit only, does not include other services received, such as diagnostic labs or imaging)
- Emergency department visit, very minor (visit only, does not include other services received, such as diagnostic labs or imaging)
Emergency Department Visits
- Infusion Therapy
Integrative Medicine
- Nutrition Services
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment
- Manipulation of bones and muscles (osteopathic manipulative treatment), 1 to 2 areas of the body
- Manipulation of bones and muscles (osteopathic manipulative treatment), 3 to 4 areas of the body
- Manipulation of bones and muscles (osteopathic manipulative treatment), 5 to 6 areas of the body
- Manipulation of bones and muscles (osteopathic manipulative treatment), 7 to 8 areas of the body
- Manipulation of bones and muscles (osteopathic manipulative treatment), 9 to 10 areas of the body
Laboratory Services
Blood Test
- Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level, serum
- Analysis for Lyme disease bacteria (blood test)
- Blood creatinine level
- Blood test for acute hepatitis panel
- Blood test for albumin (protein) level
- Blood test for amylase (enzyme) level
- Blood test for antibody to allergic substance (IgE)
- Blood test for antibody to Herpes simplex virus, type 1
- Blood test for antibody to Herpes simplex virus, type 2
- Blood test for antibody to HIV-1 and HIV-2 virus
- Blood test for antibody to varicella-zoster virus (chicken pox)
- Blood test for blood glucose (sugar) level
- Blood test for blood glucose control (hemoglobin A1C)
- Blood test for C-reactive protein (to detect infection or inflammation)
- Blood test for C-reactive protein (to detect infection or inflammation), high sensitivity
- Blood test for calcium level
- Blood test for cardiac enzyme (creatine kinase) level
- Blood test for chloride level
- Blood test for cholesterol levels
- Blood test for clotting time
- Blood test for coagulation assessment
- Blood test for complete blood cell count (red cells, white cells, platelets), automated test (complete blood count)
- Blood test for complete blood cell count (red cells, white cells, platelets), automated test (hemoglobin)
- Blood test for cortisol hormone level
- Blood test for DHEA-S (dehydroepiandrosterone) level
- Blood test for electrolyte levels (sodium potassium, chloride, carbon dioxide)
- Blood test for ferritin level
- Blood test for glutamyltransferase (liver enzyme) level
- Blood test for gonadotropin (reproductive hormone)
- Blood test for Hepatitis B surface antibody level
- Blood test for Hepatitis B surface antigen
- Blood test for hepatitis C antibody level
- Blood test for IgE (immune system protein) level
- Blood test for insulin level
- Blood test for iron level
- Blood test for kidney functioning
- Blood test for lactate dehydrogenase (enzyme) level
- Blood test for LDL cholesterol level
- Blood test for lipase (fat enzyme) level
- Blood test for lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides)
- Blood test for liver functioning
- Blood test for magnesium level
- Blood test for parathormone (parathyroid hormone) level
- Blood test for phosphatase (enzyme) level
- Blood test for phosphate level
- Blood test for prolactin (milk producing hormone) level
- Blood test for PSA (prostate specific antigen) level
- Blood test for red blood cell sedimentation rate (to detect inflammation)
- Blood test for Rh (D) antigen
- Blood test for rheumatoid factor
- Blood test for serum (protein) level
- Blood test for SGOT (liver enzyme) level
- Blood test for SGPT (liver enzyme) level
- Blood test for sodium level
- Blood test for T3 (thyroid hormone) level, free
- Blood test for T3 (thyroid hormone) level, total or assay
- Blood test for testosterone level, free
- Blood test for testosterone level, total or assay
- Blood test for the rate of sedimentation of red blood cells
- Blood test for thyroglobulin (thyroid protein) antibody level
- Blood test for thyroxine (thyroid chemical) level, free
- Blood test for thyroxine (thyroid chemical) level, total or assay
- Blood test for total protein level
- Blood test for triglycerides level
- Blood test for TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) level
- Blood test for tuberculosis
- Blood test for urea nitrogen level (to assess kidney functioning)
- Blood test for uric acid level
- Blood test for vitamin B-12 (cyanocobalamin) level
- Blood test to check for a protein associated with certain kinds of cancers (carcinoembryonic antigen protein or CEA level)
- Blood test to determine blood type (ABO)
- Blood test to evaluate thyroid hormone
- Blood test to screen for autoimmune disorder
- Blood test, basic group of blood chemicals
- Comprehensive metabolic panel
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) antibody level
- Detection test for HIV-1 and HIV-2
- Gammaglobulin (immune system protein) measurement
- General health panel
- Hemoglobin measurement
- Hepatitis B core antibody measurement
- Iron binding capacity
- Lead level
- Natriuretic peptide (heart and blood vessel protein) level
- Obstetric blood panel
- Screening test for red blood cell antibodies
- Testing for presence of drug
- Troponin (protein) analysis
- Vitamin D-3 level
- Fecal Test
- Surgical Pathology
Swab Test
- Bacterial culture for aerobic isolates
- Bacterial culture swab, other than urine, blood or stool
- Chlamydia test
- Detection test for influenza virus
- Evaluation of antimicrobial drug (antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral)
- Gonorrhea test (Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria)
- Infectious agent detection of HPV, high risk types
- Lab test to detect coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Special stain for microorganism
- Strep test (Streptococcus, group A)
- Test for disease-causing (pathogenic) organisms, not limited to a specific condition
Urine Test
- Creatinine level to test for kidney function or muscle injury
- Manual urinalysis test with examination using microscope
- Urinalysis test (automated) for bilirubin, glucose, hemoglobin, ketones, leukocytes, nitrite, pH, protein, specific gravity, urobilinogen, any number of these constituents
- Urinalysis, manual test
- Urine microalbumin (protein) level
- Urine test for bacterial culture
- Urine test for bacterial culture: quantitative colony count
- Urine test for total protein level
Blood Test
Mental and Behavioral Health Services
- Diagnostic Evaluation
- Health and Behavior Assessment
- Health and Behavior Intervention
- Procedures
- Family psychotherapy with patient
- Family psychotherapy without patient
- Group psychotherapy
- Group psychotherapy with more than one family
- Psychotherapy for crisis, each additional 30 minutes
- Psychotherapy for crisis, the first 60 minutes
- Psychotherapy with patient, or with patient and family member, lasting 45 minutes
- Psychotherapy with patient, or with patient and family member, lasting 60 minutes
- Psychotherapy with patient, or with patient and family member, with evaluation and case management, lasting 45 minutes
- Psychotherapy, 30 minutes with patient and/or family member
Obstetric/Gynecological Procedures
- Delivery
- Laboratory Services
- Abdominal ultrasound of pregnant uterus, greater than or equal to 14 weeks, single or first fetus
- Abdominal ultrasound of pregnant uterus, less than 14 weeks, single or first fetus
- Doppler velocimetry, fetal; middle cerebral artery
- Doppler velocimetry, fetal; umbilical artery
- Transvaginal ultrasound
- Ultrasound of fetus
- Ultrasound of pregnant uterus, 1 or more fetus
- Ultrasound re-evaluation of pregnant uterus, per fetus
- Vaginal ultrasound of pregnant uterus
Office Visits
- Adult Preventive Care Office Visit (or Wellness Office Visit)
Office or Outpatient Visit
- New patient office visit (15 minutes)
- New patient office visit (30 minutes)
- New patient office visit (45 minutes)
- New patient office visit (60 minutes)
- Office visit for an established patient (10 minutes)
- Office visit for an established patient (15 minutes)
- Office visit for an established patient (25 minutes)
- Office visit for an established patient (40 minutes)
- Office visit for an established patient (5 minutes)
- Physician phone call to established patient (11 to 20 minutes of medical discussion)
- Physician phone call to established patient (21 to 30 minutes of medical discussion)
- Physician phone call to established patient (5 to 10 minutes of medical discussion)
Pediatric or Adolescent Preventive Care Office Visit (or Wellness Office Visit)
- Developmental screening
- New patient preventive care visit for adolescent ages 12 to 17
- New patient preventive care visit for child ages 5 to 11
- New patient preventive care visit for child under age 1
- New patient preventive care visit for child, ages 1 to 4
- Preventive care visit for adolescent, ages 12 to 17
- Preventive care visit for child under age 1
- Preventive care visit for child, ages 1 to 4
- Preventive care visit for child, ages 5 to 11
- Specialist Consultation
- Speech Therapy
Wound Management
- Negative or vacuum pressure wound therapy (total wound(s) surface area greater than 50 square centimeters)
- Negative or vacuum pressure wound therapy (total wound(s) surface area less than or equal to 50 square centimeters)
- Remove tissue from wounds (debridement, open wound 20 square centimeters or less)
- Remove tissue from wounds (debridement, open wound each additional 20 square centimeters)
- Remove tissue from wounds (non-selective debridement without anesthesia)
Outpatient Surgical Procedures
Common Surgeries and Procedures
- Aspiration and/or injection of large joint or joint capsule
- Biopsy of prostate gland
- Carpal tunnel release surgery
- Colonoscopy with removal of polyps or growths using an endoscope
- Gallbladder removal
- Injection of a substance into spinal canal of lower back or sacrum using imaging guidance
- Injection of an anesthetic and/or steroid drug into lower or sacral spine nerve root using imaging guidance
- Removal of 2 to 14 skin growths (premalignant)
- Removal of 6 or more abnormal or infected fingernails or toenails
- Removal of skin growth (premalignant/precancerous)
- Removal of tonsils and adenoid glands patient younger than age 12
- Removal of up to 14 skin growths (benign/noncancerous)
- Repair of groin hernia patient age 5 years or older
- Repair of wound (2.5 centimeters or less) of the scalp, neck, underarms, trunk, arms, and/or legs
- Tangential biopsy of single skin lesion
- Joint Surgery
Common Surgeries and Procedures
Physical and Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy
- Evaluation of orthotic or prosthetic use, each 15 minutes
- Occupational therapy evaluation, high complexity
- Occupational therapy evaluation, low complexity
- Occupational therapy evaluation, moderate complexity
- Occupational therapy re-evaluation
- Orthotic management of arm or leg and/or trunk
- Physical performance test or measurement with report
- Self-care or home management training
- Technique to help with sensory processing
- Therapeutic procedures in a group setting
Physical Therapy
- Application of blood vessel compression or decompression device to 1 or more areas
- Application of electrical stimulation to 1 or more areas
- Application of electrical stimulation to 1 or more areas, when physical therapist is not there
- Application of hot or cold packs to 1 or more areas
- Application of hot wax bath to 1 or more areas
- Application of mechanical traction to 1 or more areas
- Application of medication through skin using electrical current
- Application of ultrasound to 1 or more areas
- Manual (physical) therapy techniques to 1 or more regions
- Physical therapy evaluation, high complexity
- Physical therapy evaluation, low complexity
- Physical therapy evaluation, moderate complexity
- Physical therapy re-evaluation
- Therapeutic activities to improve function, with one-on-one contact between patient and provider
- Therapeutic exercise to develop strength, endurance, range of motion, and flexibility
- Therapeutic massage to 1 or more areas
- Therapeutic procedure to re-educate brain-to-nerve-to-muscle function
- Walking training to 1 or more areas
- Water pool therapy for 1 or more areas
Occupational Therapy
Radiology and Imaging
CT (Computed Tomography) Scans
- CT scan of abdomen
- CT scan of abdomen and pelvis, with and without contrast
- CT scan of abdomen and pelvis, with contrast
- CT scan of abdomen and pelvis, without contrast
- CT scan of abdomen, with and without contrast
- CT scan of abdomen, with contrast
- CT scan of blood vessel of head, with contrast
- CT scan of blood vessels in chest, with contrast
- CT scan of chest
- CT scan of chest, with contrast
- CT scan of face
- CT scan of head or brain
- CT scan of neck, with contrast
- CT scan of pelvis
- CT scan of pelvis, with contrast
- Mammograms
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Scans
- MRI scan of abdomen, with and without contrast
- MRI scan of arm joint
- MRI scan of both breasts, without and with contrast
- MRI scan of both breasts, without contrast
- MRI scan of brain
- MRI scan of brain, with and without contrast
- MRI scan of leg joint
- MRI scan of lower spinal canal
- MRI scan of lower spinal canal, before and after contrast
- MRI scan of pelvis
- MRI scan of pelvis, with and without contrast
- MRI scan of upper spinal canal
- Other Imaging Procedures
- Ultrasounds
- X-ray of abdomen, 1 view
- X-ray of ankle, 2 views
- X-ray of ankle, minimum of 3 views
- X-ray of chest, 1 view
- X-ray of chest, 2 views
- X-ray of entire spine
- X-ray of fingers, minimum of 2 views
- X-ray of foot, 2 views
- X-ray of foot, minimum of 3 views
- X-ray of hand, 2 views
- X-ray of hand, minimum of 3 views
- X-ray of hip with pelvis, 2 or 3 views
- X-ray of knee, 1 or 2 views
- X-ray of knee, 3 views
- X-ray of knee, 4 or more views
- X-ray of lower and sacral spine, 2 or 3 views
- X-ray of lower back, minimum of 4 views
- X-ray of lower leg, 2 views
- X-ray of middle spine, 2 views
- X-ray of pelvis, 1 or 2 views
- X-ray of shoulder, minimum of 2 views
- X-ray of spine of neck, 2 or 3 views
- X-ray of wrist, minimum of 3 views
CT (Computed Tomography) Scans