Compare Estimated Payments & Quality of Patient Care in Maine

Know What to Expect Before You Receive Care

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CompareMaine reports the average amount paid for common healthcare procedures at different healthcare settings in Maine. The average total payment on this website represents the reporting period July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024, and is the average amount paid by a commercial payor, including the insured individual’s cost share, to a healthcare setting and/or provider for a healthcare service or procedure. The average payment displayed on CompareMaine does not represent a person’s actual payment, as that amount varies based on individual deductibles and out-of-pocket amounts.

In addition to costs of common healthcare procedures, CompareMaine displays information on prescription drug payments and trends in healthcare payments over time. Payments vary among healthcare settings, and you may have a choice in where you receive care. Get started

The quality of care also varies among providers. CompareMaine reports on the quality of care at Maine hospitals, including the Five-Star Overall Hospital Quality Rating from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which shows how well a hospital performs across different areas of quality, such as treating heart attacks and pneumonia, readmission rates, safety of care, and patient experience.

MHDO makes every effort to provide accurate information on CompareMaine. Healthcare settings and commercial payors included on this website are sent the payment and quality data to review for accuracy before it is published. Payments presented on CompareMaine are within 10% of estimated payments from healthcare settings and commercial payors estimates.

The Maine Health Data Organization, in collaboration with the Maine Quality Forum, is required by Maine State law to promote the transparency of healthcare cost and quality information via a publicly accessible website.

Updates to CompareMaine

March 2025 – Added two new CPT Codes for ultrasounds, ambulance services as a new category of services, and information on the billing of facility fees and under what circumstances a facility fee may be charged. Updated the cost and quality data to reflect the most current data available, and enhanced several quality data definitions and descriptions. Learn more about the updates

How do I use this site if I have commercial health insurance?

If you have commercial health insurance (meaning you are not covered under a public program like Medicare and Medicaid), you can use CompareMaine to understand the average payment in Maine for a healthcare procedure, but you need to contact your insurance company to determine your benefits, specific out-of-pocket costs, and any provider network limitations.

Visit health insurance cost calculators

What if I do not have health insurance?

CompareMaine does not include information on the cash price (meaning you do not have commercial insurance) for a healthcare procedure, but you can use this website as a reference for the average payments in Maine with commercial insurance. Contact the healthcare setting you are interested in to discuss the cash price.